Es gab weitere Termine beim Arbeitsamt, noch mehr Ohrringe, Blümchen und Begeisterung. Die Stadthymne wurde gesungen, der Bürgermeister gelobt, der eine Gehaltssteigerung von 5 Stuggis durchsetzen konnte, Strafen bei der Polizei bezahlt, Stuggis für UNICEF gespendet und der Fußballplatz getestet.
Heute durften dann endlich auch die Großen einen Blick in die Stadt werfen. Zu schade, dass es das noch nicht gab als wir im Stutengartenalter waren. So je zwei Tage Bürstenwerkstadt, Creperie, Feuerwehr, Gärtnerei, Gemeinderat oder Druckerei hören sich durchaus ganz spaßig an und hätten einen vielleicht auf ganz andere Ideen gebracht. Mal schauen, für was sich die Jungs in Woche 2 entscheiden.
The “Stutengarten” workday begins with a morning meeting with all citizens where they hear about the latest news, where the mayor gets elected on the second day and where they get their first appointments with the job center. After the first day I picked up a young policeman, a car designer and a hard working soap boiler lady who were so full of enthusiasm. They couldn’t stop talking. Bank accounts with fantastic interest rates were opened or the first earned money was already spent on earrings, books, soaps, fries, fruit juices, ice-cream and other bits and pieces.
On the third day we had two employees of the telephone directory publisher and a puppet player at home and on the last day we got reports from the TV studio and the juice bar. There were more dates at the job center, more earrings, flowers and enthusiasm. The city anthem was sung the mayor praised for a salary increase of 5 Stuggis , penalties paid to the police, Stuggis donated to UNICEF and the soccer field tested.
Today finally the big ones could get a glimpse of the city. Too bad that it did not exist when we were at the Stutengarten-age. Two days in the brush factory , Creperie, as firefighters, in the garden center, as members of the town council or at the print shop sound like fun and could have given us completely different ideas. Let’s see what the guys are up for in week two.
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